Accessibility statement for BARMER doctor search at BARMER Doctor Finder
This accessibility statement applies to the website published at BARMER Doctor Finder veröffentlichte Webseite
As a public body within the meaning of Directive (EU) 2016/2102, we strive to make our websites and mobile applications accessible in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Disability Equality Act (BGG) and the Barrier-Free Information Technology Ordinance (BITV 2.0) implementing Directive (EU) 2016/2102.
Status of compatibility with the requirements
The accessibility requirements result from §§ 3 paragraphs 1 to 4 and 4 of BITV 2.0, which was issued on the basis of § 12d BGG.
The compliance review is based on a self-assessment conducted on 12/10/2020.
The BARMER physician search at BARMER Doctor Finder is not yet completely barrier-free. We will continue to review and, of course, optimize our Internet offering for our users. We ask for your understanding that not all pages are yet optimally barrierfree.
The self-assessment of accessibility according to BITV 2.0 comprises around 60 test steps. The BARMER doctor search completely fulfills 30 test steps and 19 test steps are not applicable because the content to be tested is not used on the BARMER doctor search. The remaining test steps have been evaluated as follows: three test steps are not yet fulfilled, four are "partially fulfilled" and another four test steps are "rather fulfilled".
The explanation in German sign language is not yet available for the BARMER doctor search.
Last change: 01.04.2021
Report barrier
You would like to report existing barriers or request information on the implementation of accessibility? Please use the Report Barrier form for this purpose.
If no satisfactory solution has been found even after your feedback to the above contact, you can turn to the conciliation body pursuant to Section BGG wenden. The BGG conciliation body has the task of supporting out-of-court dispute resolution in the event of conflicts on the subject of accessibility between persons with disabilities and federal public bodies. The conciliation procedure is free of charge. No legal counsel needs to be involved. For more information on the conciliation procedure and the options for submitting an application, please visit: